How can we define Ambiguity?
§Early definitions of ambiguity regarded uncertainty in real life. In such definitions, ambiguity was described as caused by the nature of cues available in the context or stimulus given. McLain (1993), for example, defines ambiguity as not having sufficient information about a context.
How many types of ambiguous situations are there?
§According to Budner (1962), ambiguous situations can be of three different types: new situations, complex situations, and contradictory situations. These are, respectively, where there are not sufficient or nonexistent cues, where there are too many cues, and where cues are not easy to distinguish.
What causes Ambiguity?
Norton (1975), further, summarizes causes of ambiguity as:
n multiple meanings
n vagueness
n incompleteness, or fragmentation
n a probability
n lack of structure
n lack of information
n uncertainty
n inconsistencies and contradictions
n unclarity (obscurity).
Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of English Language defined tolerance as a fair and objective attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc. differ from one’ s own;
What is Ambiguity Tolerance (AT)?
Such a definition of tolerance precludes acceptance of ambiguous situations whereas intolerance may entail considering uncertainties and unclear meanings as potential sources of discomfort and threat (Norton, 1975). Tolerance of ambiguity, then, can be a reflection of our personality (Ely, 1989; Ehrman, 1993; 1994). As such, people with tolerance of ambiguity are likelier to feel comfortable under uncertain conditions (Budner, 1962).
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